ISO Grade of Oil | 460 |
Estimated Useful Range | °C -30 -288 °F -22 -550 |
Oil Viscosity, cSt | 20° C (68° F) 1535 40° C (104° F) 450 100° C (212° F) 42 204° C (400° F) 6 260° C (500° F) 3.3 |
Oil Viscosity Index | 145 |
Oil Pour Point | ° C -30 ° F -22 |
Oil Density, g/ml | 0° C (32° F) 1.95 100° C (212° F) 1.78 |
Maximum Oil Volatility, ASTM D2595 |
% in 22 hour 121° C(250° F) —- 204° C (400° F) < 1 |
Oil Separation from Grease, ASTM D6184 |
Wt loss, % in 30 hours 99° C (210° F) 4 204° C (400° F) 12 |
Viscosity | Viscosity may vary within +10% Approximate Based on pour point and where evaporation is approximately 10% |